Linda A Robinson, PhD
1 min readMay 8, 2017


Yes, a psychologist (not a therapist) and a retired faculty member — which is why I have more time to read materials other than professional journals. FYI: peer-reviewed journals are as dry as melba toast and make dull reading; yes, they’re informative but NOT funny like your work.

I once had a telephone conversation with a labor union representative who asked me if I had ever been a politician or a pastor (he had cold-called my office because of a labor dispute…we had never met). I chuckled at the comment. So, I’m chuckling at your comment about running for political office, because it reminded me of that conversation. The only running I’ll be doing — with those sneakers with the toes — is out of Dodge if the Ice Prince remains in office much longer. The political climate isn’t so good right now for white women of a certain age who is highly educated!!!



Linda A Robinson, PhD

Student of Life, Retired I-O Psychologist & Top Writer on Quora 2018